Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Web Whiteboard

Thank you, Mrs. Brewer, for discovering this new web application that turns your devices into interactive whiteboards!  Web Whiteboard is a web-based site that allows you instantly interact with others on a common whiteboard.  You may create a whiteboard ID which allows others to access your whiteboard.

Today, Mrs. Brewer's third grade class used Web Whiteboard to solve various math problems.  Students were able to work out problems on multiple devices while collaborating together on various strategies to solve their problems.

Students see the same screenshot on each device and interactions between devices are delivered in real time.

Teachers can monitor on their "whiteboard".

Student solved the real-time interaction; since this is web-based, students see immediately when another writes on the class whiteboard.  Currently, this is free to use and offers many features such as drawing and sticky notes.

Here is what a few of our third graders thought about Web Whiteboard...

Tucker - "I think it was good for us because everyone could see what we were doing and some people could see our different strategies in math."

Gracie -"It was pretty cool how our work showed up on everyone's device. At times it would slow up, but that was because everyone was thinking and trying solve the problem to show what they know."

Ashley - "I like the web whiteboard because you can call on a student and everyone can see them answer on the board. It's a whole lot more fun than writing just on paper."

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